🔴 Mods 🔴 Salad for anti safety zone 🔴 Tourney mapping
Cool Mappers
Kyptoric: Always makes maps out of the ordinary which are very cool Jemzuu: Never fails to make good and playable tech maps Phob: Very experimental mapper which I love to see Ascendance: Solid mapper who never fails to deliver Liyac: The best STD/CTB hybrid mapper Emiru: Very aesthetic and manages to make very fun gameplay with it Rocma: I literally am inspired by his mapping Enjuxx: Big CS interesting gameplay mapper very fun -Ken: Also very aesthetic mapper with good gameplay Deif: Deif spacing with gameplay is very fun Exgon: Top tier creative mapper 100: Invest in him right now he is goated Razor: Holy sibal end game mapper he is the GOAT